1) There’s _______ traffic in this city. There should be _________ cars downtown. a) fewer - too many b) too many - less c) too much - fewer d) too many - fewer e) too much - less f) less - too many 2) The problem is there _________ enough public transportation. a) are b) is c) aren't d) isn't e) are they f) is it 3) You're right. We should have more ________. There _________ enough of them during rush hour. a) bus - aren't b) buses - aren't c) bus - isn't d) bus - is e) buses - are f) bus - are  4) How do you like your new neighborhood? - It's terrible, actually. There's _________ noise and _______ parking. a) too many - too few b) too few - too many c) too much - too few d) too little - too many e) too few - too little f) too much - too little 5) That's too bad. There ________ enough ________ spaces in my neighborhood either. a) is - parking b) are - parkings c) is - parkings d) are - park e) aren't - parking f) isn't - parking 6) Did you hear about the changes to the city center? Starting next month, there will be more ___________ and _________ street parking. a) lanes - less b) lanes - fewer c) lane - less d) lanes - little e) lane - fewer f) lane - little 7) There _____________ pollution downtown. a) are too many b) is too many c) are too much d) is too much e) is many f) are much  8) I’m sure there will be _____________ accidents. a) fewer b) lesser c) few d) less e) little f) small

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