1) My sister ... married on Saturday. a) 'll get b) is getting 2) We ... have a party tonight. a) will b) are going to 3) I've got a headache. I think I ...  a) 'll lie down. b) 'm lying down.  4) Let's go to Kate's house. .... her old clothes. a) She's giving away b) She'll give away 5) In the future, ... all our clothes on the internet. a) we're going to buy b) we'll buy 6) The train .............. at 7.00. a) arrives b) is arriving 7) Look at the sky! It ..................... a) will rain. b) is going to rain. 8) Do you think our teacher .......................... our homework today? a) will mark b) is going to mark 9) I'm hungry. What ..........................? a) are we going to eat b) do we eat 10) We ................................ our holiday today. a) will book b) are going to book

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