self-restraint - control of your own actions, to foster sth - to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings, to harbour sth - to think about or feel something, usually over a long period, to spare sb sth - to prevent sb from having to experience sth unpleasant, to go with the flow - to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do, baseness - a lack of any honour or morals, malice - the wish to harm or upset other people, to alter sth - to change sth, usually slightly, benevolence - the quality of being kind and helpful, credulity - willingness to believe that sth is real or true, especially when this is unlikely, to detest sth /sb - to hate sth /sb, a dunghill - a small pile of solid animal waste, gratification - pleasure or satisfaction, or sth which provides this, a merit - the quality of being good and deserving praise, misery - a feeling of great unhappiness, poignant - moving, touching, resilient - able to recover quickly, a shrine - a place for worship that is holy because of a connection with a holy person or object, a grove - a group of trees planted close together, self-indulgence - allowing yourself to have or do anything that you enjoy,

1 Six Ideas from Eastern Philosophy Vocab


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