What are some things you should have done last week, but didn't do?, I found a wallet that had 2,000 dollars in it. What should I do? Should I spend it?, I want to get rich quickly. Give me some advice., Why should people be concerned about the environment? , I often feel bored at the weekend. What should I do?, I can't sleep at night. What should I do?, What should I do to be popular?, My friend just saw a UFO, give him some advice., We want to go to a good restaurant. Where should we go?, I have a terrible headache... What should I do?, Why should we listen to our parents?, What should you do if you smell smoke?, My best friend is angry with me. What should I do to solve it?, What should people do to be happy?, I'm thinking of adopting a dog, what should I do?, What three pieces of advice you will give for the next generation?, Should we spend more time working?, Should love guide our lives?, Should we spend more time watching television?, What should we do to stay healthy?.

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