1) Do we need … eggs for the cake ? a) many b) much 2) There isn't … sugar in the cupboard a) many b) much 3) We've got … salmon a) many b) any c) lots of 4) There are … biscuits in the cupboard a) much b) any c) lots of 5) There isn't … milk left a) much b) many c) some 6) Are there … carrots ? a) many b) much c) some 7) Yesterday we bought … orange juice a) much b) many c) lots of 8) I don't drink … cola a) many b) much c) some 9) Are there … tomatoes left ? a) much b) many c) some 10) The cake has got … sugar in it a) lots of b) many c) any 11) We haven't got … homework a) many b) much 12) Toby hasn't got … pets a) much b) many 13) Ella likes … cheese in her sandwiches a) lots of b) many 14) You didn't buy … potatoes a) much b) many c) lots 15) How … water do you drink every day ? a) much b) many 16) How … eggs did you use ? a) much b) many 17) How … tomatoes do we need ? a) much b) many 18) How … flour do we need ? a) much b) many

many, much, lots of


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