1) The children ... in the park. a) played b) plays c) didn't 2) My mother ... a pizza yesterday.  a) cooking b) cooked c) did cook 3) They ... together two hours ago. a) dance b) danced c) dancing 4) Jim ... football 2 days ago. a) play b) played c) playd 5) Ann ... bananas. a) like b) liked c) did like 6) I ..... to buy some ice cream. a) wantet b) wented c) wanted 7) She ..... French at school. a) studied b) studyed c) did study 8) Nina ...... school in 1992 a) finished b) finishd c) did finish 9) She ...... dancing. a) loved b) love c) lovved 10) My sister ... the floor yesterday. a) washed b) washing c) did washed 11) My friend ... me last week. a) phone b) phoning c) phoned 12) They ... the fence red.  a) painted b) did paint c) paintd

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