1) Where do you usually go on holiday? 2) Where did you go on your last holiday? Tell me about it 3) What did you do on your last holiday? 4) What did you like the most about your last holiday? 5) Are you going to go on holiday next summer? Tell me about it 6) What type of holidays do you like the most? 7) What do you usually do when you go on a city break? 8) Do you prefer mountain or beach holidays?  9) What did you eat yesterday? 10) Where do you usually have lunch? 11) What do you usually have for lunch? 12) What food don't you like? 13) How often do you eat junk food? 14) Do you prefer to eat at the restaurant or at home? 15) Do you often eat out? 16) What do you usually have for breakfast? 17) When was the last time you ate out? Tell me about it 18) Are you going to eat out some time soon? 19) Who does the cooking in your family? 20) Do you like cooking? And what do you like cooking? 21) Do you ever cook? 22) How often do you do sports? 23) What sport can you do well? 24) Would you like to start a new sport? 25) What kind of sport do you like doing? 26) Have you got a hobby? What is it? 27) Have you got a hobby? When did you start it? 28) Are you good at sports? 29) Do you do any sports? 30) Do you like watching sport on TV? 31) What sport do you like watching on TV? 32) When did you start playing....? 33) Do you have to wear any special clothes to practice your sport? Tell me about it 34) Tell me what you like doing in your free time. 35) How often do you play / go / do...? 36) Can you play a musical instrument? Tell me about it. 37) Where's your school? 38) Is your school big or small? 39) Tell me about your school. 40) What's your favourite subject? Tell me about it. 41) What time do you start and finish school? 42) Tell me about your school routine. 43) What school are you going to attend next year? 44) How is your future school different from this one? 45) Where does your mother / father work? 46) Tell me about your parents' job. 47) Tell me about a typical school day. 48) What do you usually do at the weekend? 49) How did you spend your last weekend? 50) Where were you last weekend? 51) What are you going to do next summer? 52) What are you going to do next weekend? 53) How often do you go to the cinema? 54) What do you like doing on your birthday? 55) What do you usually do for Christmas? 56) What did you do on Easter /Christmas day? 57) Tell me about a special festival in your town. 58) Name different activities you usually do in winter. 59) How often do you watch TV? 60) What do you like watching on TV. 61) Tell me about your favourite TV series. 62) How do you usually spend time with your friends? 63) What do you usually do with your family? 64) How is your summer different from your winter? 65) Tell me something you hate doing during schooldays. 66) Tell me something you love doing at the weekend. 67) What is good about summer? 68) When was the last time you went shopping? 69) How often does your family shop for food? 70) Do you prefer online shopping or shopping in a shop? 71) How much money do you spend on shopping a month? 72) What are you going to buy next? 73) Are you going to buy anything for your future school? What is it?  74) What are the advantages of online shopping? 75) What are the disadvantages of online shopping? 76) Is there a shopping centre in your area? 77) What did you last buy online? 78) Do you like grocery shopping? 79) Do you like window shopping? 80) Who do you usually go shopping with?


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