1) John worked hard and __________ his best at his job, but he still wasn't promoted. a) did b) made 2) The teenagers were _________ such a noise that the neighbour called the police. a) doing b) making 3) She _____________ a payment on her debt every month. Soon she'll have finished paying it off. a) does b) makes 4) Sorry, I've __________ a mistake. The restaurant isn't here, but on another street. a) done b) made 5) If you don't speak English, you'll find it hard to _________ business in the UK. a) do b) make 6) He __________ a promise to his grandmother that he'd never fight anyone ever again. a) did b) made 7) She ____________ a lot of lists of things to do, but she never does any of the things! a) does b) makes

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