The people next door play loud music late at night and it keeps you awake, Your friend always interrupts when you're talking, Your boss gets very irritable. It upsets you, It's raining. You want it to be sunny, It's Tuesday, you're in the office. You want it to be weekend, You can't swim. You want to be able to swim, You have brown hair. You want to have blonde hair, You have three sons. You want to have a daughter, You're on a ski resort but there isn't enough snow, You've seen a holiday advertised in Thailand but it's too expensive, You like someone very much but they don't reciprocate, The woman in the next street parks her car in front of your driveway, Your husband spends too much money on clothes that he doesn't really need, You want the new i-Phone but there is a two-month waiting list, You live in China but can't speak the language and don't understand street signs, You don't have time to go to the gym but would love to do some exercise, Your little sister keeps on borrowing your clothes without your permission, Everytime you bake a cake, it sinks, My mom never listens to me, Your neighbour's dog wakes you up every night with its barking.

2B2 5B I wish / If only (present / future)


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