Protein - macronutrient from an animal product, Carbohydrate - macronutrient from a plant product, Fats - could be saturated or unsaturated, Food label - provides information about vitamins, nutrients and energy, Influences - things that assist us with our food choices, an example of Protein, an example of Fats, an example of Carbohydrates, Balanced Diet - a foodplate that has the correct proportions of the macronutrients, an example of dead food, an example of alive food, Nutrients - a substance needed for healthy growth & development, Vitamins - "Vital for life", calcium is an example that our teeth & bones need., full of simple sugar and saturated ("bad") fats, full of unsaturated ("good") fats, makes up to 75% of our body mass, to much of this can lead to diabetes and obesity,



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