coexist - to live together without any problems, cohesive - sticking together, coincidence - a sequence of events happening together that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged, combine - to put two things together, commiserate - to feel sorry for someone, something, or a situation, committee - a group of people who meet together to discuss a topic, communication - the act of talking with someone and discussing something together, community - a place where people live together, compare - to put things together to see how they are the same, compatible - able to live together and get along, contraband - anything that is against the law to buy or sell, contradict - to express the opposite, contratian - a person who thinks differently from other people, contrary - completely different , counterbalance - a weight used to balance an opposite weight, counterclockwise - in the direction this is opposite of the direction the hands on the clock move, counterexample - an example used to support a claim or statement, counterfeit - being the opposite of real; fake or artificial, counterintuitive - goes against your gut feeling or common sense,



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