Sentence: I did my homework., The car is green., Nazanin runs., Basharat is an accomplished musician, Seth is a talented artist who paints beautiful landscapes., Kaiden enjoys playing sports., Zahra loves to cook., Chanelle is a skilled dancer., Lemar is an excellent student., Abbas is a passionate activist., Abulfazl is an experienced mechanic, Sulaiman is a successful businessman., Basharat and Nazanin are childhood friends., Seth and Kaiden are brothers., Zahra and Chanelle are cousins., Lemar and Abbas are best friends., Abulfazl and Sulaiman are business partners., Mr Andrews cheats at poker., The doctor examined the patient's symptoms, The gardener watered the plants., Fragment: who enjoy spending time together., especially soccer and basketball., loves to lose herself in books., Walking along the beach at sunset., Playing video games with friends., Snuggling up with a good book., Running through the park in the early morning., Watching a movie under the stars., Dancing in the rain., Hiking up a mountain trail., Sipping a cup of hot tea on a cold day., Listening to music with headphones on., Taking a long, relaxing bubble bath., Daydreaming about traveling the world., Mr Antill's pet chihuahua., Seventeen laistrogonians., with a smile., the car's engine., early in the morning., although he liked to.,

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