1) 1. Peggy's ____ has fallen out. 牙齒掉了。 a) tooth  b) teeth  c) teethes 2) 2. There are two ___ in the forest. 森林裡有兩隻狼 a) wolf  b) wolfes  c) wolves 3) 3. There are three ___ on the grass. 草地上有三個公牛 a) oxen  b) oxs  c) oxes 4) 4. Four ___ are eating a piece of cheese. 四肢老鼠正在吃一塊奶酪。 a) mouses  b) mouse  c) mice 5) 5.Two ___are eating some carrots. 兩隻綿羊正在吃一些胡蘿蔔。 a) sheep  b) sheeps  c) sheepes 6) 6. Five __ were hung on the wall. 五個掛在牆上。 a) photos  b) photoes  c) photo 7) 7. Two ____and three _____ are in the office. 兩個男人和三個女人在辦公室。 a) man; woman  b) men; women  c) mans; womans 8) 8. She has two ______ . 她有兩個寶寶 a) baby  b) babyes  c) babies



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