who: Matt is the boy ... won the school talent show last year., Am I happy? ... knows!, She is the girl ... found my mobile., which: This is the song ... won the Sanremo Festival 2 years ago., WWF is an organization ... protect animals in danger of extinction., There are some good sites ... you can get ideas from., where: This is the beach ... I learnt how to swim, I was just 5 years old., The Cavern is the club ... The Beatles used to play., This is the house ... Shakespeare was born., when: Do you remember ... we fell in love? We were so young!, I still remeber the day ... I first met you., I can't remember ... we bought the washing machine. Maybe 5 years ago., Whose: The girl ... bag is here is my sister., The boys ... friends are at school never go to school!, That woman ... dog is black wants to meet my parents.,


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