1) There ... a sofa ... the window. a) is ... in front of b) are ...  behind c) is...behind d) are...in front of 2) There ... two cats ... the sofa.  a) is ... in front of b) are ...  on c) is...on d) are...under 3) There ... some books ... the sofa.  a) is ... next to b) are ...  under c) is...on d) are...next to 4) There ... some glasses ... the cupboard.  a) is ... in b) are ...  in c) is...under d) are...on 5) There ... a ball ... the cupboard.  a) is ... in b) are ...  in c) is...under d) are...next to 6) There ... a lamp ... the books.  a) is ... behind b) are ...  in c) is...next to d) are...on


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