1) That sounds ______________Is it a horror movie? a) frightening b) frightened 2) The room designed to be very ___________________.  a) relaxing b) relaxed 3) The story behind that invention was very _______________.  a) surprising b) surprised 4) OK, that is _____________ I can see her point a) interesting b) interested 5) I'm not very _________________ in learning about who designed this type of stove.  a) interested b) interesting 6) There is no time to get__________. Let's go and play something a) bored  b) boring 7) It is quite difficult to play, and that makes it more__________ a) exciting b) excited 8) My little brother was quite _______________ when he had to study Thomas Edison.  a) bored b) boring 9) Hazel couldn't solve the problem with the app she had invented. It was so _______________.  a) frustrating b) frustrated 10) The new hair dryer designs are going to be really _________________ this year. a) exciting b) excited 11) The scientist stayed up all night working. She was very ___________________ the next day.  a) tiring b) tired 12) I'm __________________ by the things invented by Leonardo da Vinci.  a) fascinated b) fasscinating



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