light - helps people to see things and makes things visible, light source - devices that produce light, dark - the absence of light, reflect - when a surface throws back light , reflective - something that is able to reflect light, ray - lines of light that stream from the sun, pupil - the black circle in the middle of the iris, retina - the layer at the back of the eyeball, shadow - a dark area or shape made by something coming between light and a surface, opaque - doesn't let light through, translucent - some light can get through, transparent - light can get through so that the object behind can be seen clearly, UV light - a type of light energy that is all around us, visible spectrum - light that is visible to the human eye (colours of the rainbow),

Year 3 Light & Dark Vocabulary


Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?