1) 벌집 a) female b) weigh c) beehive d) chemical 2) 10억 a) billion b) beehive c) hardly d) entire 3) 호흡하다 a) social b) breathe c) beehive d) except 4) 화학물질 a) endangered b) including c) breathe d) chemical 5) 밤 a) breathe b) chestnut c) defend d) weigh 6) 모으다 a) communicate b) collect c) insect d) colony 7) (동식물의) 군집 a) endangered b) hardly c) social d) colony 8) 의사소통하다 a) communicate b) chestnut c) according to  d) weigh 9) 방어하다 a) extremely b) insect c) rub d) defend 10) 멸종 위기에 처한 a) social b) sensitive c) endangered d) breathe 11) 전체의, 온 a) billion b) entire c) chestnut d) lung 12) ~을 제외하고 a) extremely b) communicate c) except d) social 13) 극심하게 a) breathe b) hardly c) extremely d) endangered 14) 여성의 a) female b) sensitive c) extremely d) including 15) 거의 ~ 않다 a) hardly b) communicate c) breathe d) lung 16) ~을 포함하여 a) including b) lay an egg  c) entire d) endangered 17) 곤충 a) colony b) resident c) rub d) insect 18) 폐 a) collect b) lung c) sensitive d) according to  19) 거주자 a) endangered b) communicate c) insect d) resident 20) 문지르다 a) endangered b) rub c) sensitive d) according to  21) 민감한, 예민한 a) breathe b) chemical c) sensitive d) communicate 22) 사회적인 a) chemical b) billion c) rub d) social 23) 무게가 ~이다 a) lung b) weigh c) chemical d) collect 24) ~에 따르면 a) resident b) according to  c) colony d) chemical 25) 알을 낳다 a) lay an egg  b) according to  c) chemical d) extremely

Lesson 2 Vocabulary Quiz


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Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?