Last night I ____ the big game in England between Manchester City and Chelsea. I was ____ of a billion people watching in places as far apart as Peru, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam. Now, when football’s good, it can be amazing … but when it’s bad, it can be ____ – and this game was maybe the most ____ game I’ve ever seen. It was a nil-nil ____ and almost nothing happened for the whole 90 minutes. ____, it was terrible! Football’s the most popular sport in the world, but it’s hard to ____ why when you watch a game like that. Knowing that the players earn millions a year just makes it ____! So why do we watch when there are plenty of ____? The Olympics features around 30 sports; other countries have different ____ sports such as cricket; and new sports are being created all the time. Maybe the main reason is because football is the ____ game to play. The basic rules are among the ____ to grasp of any sport. In contrast, does anyone really understand the rules of ____? In addition, football doesn’t require ____ equipment. In fact, you need hardly any ____ at all and on top of that you need no real skill to play – who can’t ____ a ball? So nearly everyone has played at least once in their life – and of course once you’ve played a sport, you appreciate it more. Finally, football’s different every game. Last night’s game was ____, but next time Chelsea might ____ five-four, with a ____ in the last minute! You just never know.

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