1) Who is Pete going to visit? a) His teacher b) Grumpy toad c) His grandmother d) His uncle 2) How many tickets does Pete's mom buy? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 3) Pete's mom gives one ticket to Pete and one to _______________ a) His dad b) Callie c) His brother, Bob d) Gus the platypus 4) What time is Pete's train leaving? a) 9 o'clock b) 10 o'clock c) 9:30 d) 11 o'clock 5) Pete's train arrives. "All aboard!!!" calls the ___________ a) His brother, Bob b) Callie c) Conductor d) Pilot 6) A railway official who travels on and is responsible for a train a) Butcher b) Baker c) Conductor d) Pilot 7) The conductor comes to collect the _____________ a) tickets b) passports c) drinks d) snacks 8) What car is Pete on? a) Engine b) Boxcar c) Tanker d) Caboose 9) The train is going over a ____________ a) mountain b) tunnel c) lake d) bridge 10) Where are Pete's mom and brother? a) engine b) sleeping c) snack bar d) caboose 11) What do we call the person who drives the train? a) conductor b) chef c) chauffer d) engineer 12) What is the engineer showing Pete ? a) the train breaks b) a bridge c) a snack d) caboose 13) There's a ___________ up ahead a) bridge b) highway c) tunnel d) city 14) As they go through the tunnel, Pete gets to honk the ___________. a) bell b) siren c) horn d) TV 15) Pete plays ____________ with another passenger a) hide and seek b) games c) basketball d) checkers 16) Pete looks out the ___________ a) door b) roof c) caboose d) window 17) Who does he see? a) Grandpa b) his aunt c) his sister d) Grandma 18) Pete's grandma gives him a big ________ a) present b) hug c) kiss d) box of candy 19) Pete drew a picture of the _____________ a) bridge b) tunnel c) engine d) caboose 20) What a __________ ride! a) boring b) groovy c) awful d) terrible

Pete the Cat Train trip


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