Last week, I suddenly ____, and I was feeling ____ in my side, so my father rushed me to ____ at the nearest hospital. I started feeling a strong pain ____, and there wasn’t any sign that I was getting better. We didn’t feel that we needed ____ because we lived so close to the hospital. When we arrived, my dad helped me into the emergency room, and ____ realized I had ____. I was quickly ____ to the hospital. A nurse took my ____ (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse) while my dad filled out all the necessary ____. Soon thereafter, I was prepared for ____. The surgery didn’t last that long, but I felt ____ afterwards. I was ____ the following day from the hospital, and I was ____ in a couple of days. No one likes to ____, but I’m glad we have them. Having good health ____ is also extremely important because medical costs are so ____. This is ____ international students who are traveling abroad.

Hospital Services


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