1) After this class finishes, I... 2) If the weather is good tomorrow, I ... 3) When I earn a lot of money, I ... 4) I won't ... until I'm 35. 5) If I don't study hard, I ... 6) I ... before I watch Youtube today.  7) I'm going to ... before I go to bed today.  8) As soon as I get home today, I ...  9) After I ..., I will do my homework 10) As soon as I have free time, I ... 11) I will... in case I have a headache 12) If I find $100, I ... 13) When I see my best friend, I ...  14) When I'm 70 years old, I ... 15) When I go to the cinema next time, I ... 16) Before I go to work tomorrow, I ... 17) When I have a vacation, I'm going to... 18) How do your best friend look like?

Future Time Clauses (complete the sentences)


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