What is your name?, Where do you live?, How old are you?, Where are you from?, Where were you born?, What do you do? What is your job?, What do you study?, Describe yourself in 3 words, Tell me about yourself, Who is your favourite person in the world and why?, What do you want to do when you are older?, What type of house do you live in?, Can you describe your kitchen?, Can you describe your bedroom?, Can you describe your living room?, How many people are there in your family? Who are they?, Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their names?, What does your father do? (job?), Are you single or married?, Do you have any pets?, Can you describe your city?, What do you like to do in your free time?, Do you like listening to music?, Do you like reading books?, What is your favourite type of music? Why?, What do you do to relax?, What is your favourite international food? Why?, What is your favourite Turkish food? Why?, Do you think you are a healthy person? Why?, Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why?, Do you like cooking? Why or why not?, Can you talk about your daily routine?, How much sleep do you usually get?, What time do you usually go to sleep?, What time do you usually get up?, Talk about 2 places you like in your country., Talk about 2 places you like in your city..

Speaking Practice for midterm


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