1) worried and nervous a) ANXIOUS b) DISAPPOINTED c) BORED d) SHOCKED 2) feeling bad because you are aware that others know that you have done something wrong a) SHOCKED b) TERRIFIED c) ASHAMED d) DELIGHTED 3) feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do a) PROUD b) EXCITED c) FRIGHTENED d) BORED 4) not know exactly what is happening or what to do; not able to think clearly or to understand something a) CONFUSED b) UPSET c) TERRIFIED d) DISAPPOINTED 5) annoyed or angry a) DELIGHTED b) CROSS c) RELIEVED d) EXCITED 6) highly pleased; happy a) UPSET b) ENVIOUS c) DELIGHTED d) EMBARRASSED 7) unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen a) EMBARRASSED b) PROUD c) SHOCKED d) DISAPPOINTED 8) feeling shy, ashamed, uncomfortable or guilty about something a) PROUD b) EMBARRASSED c) ENVIOUS d) EXCITED 9) wanting something that another person has a) EXCITED b) TERRIFIED c) ENVIOUS d) RELIEVED 10) very enthusiastic (because you are thinking about something pleasant that is going to happen to you) a) FRIGHTENED b) EXCITED c) SUSPICIOUS d) UPSET 11) feeling fear or worry; afraid, often because of something that has just happened or that you think might happen a) PROUD b) FRIGHTENED c) RELIEVED d) SUSPICIOUS 12) feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good a) RELIEVED b) PROUD c) SUSPICIOUS d) UPSET 13) happy that something unpleasant (something giving you bad feelings) has not happened or has ended a) SUSPICIOUS b) RELIEVED c) SHOCKED d) TERRIFIED 14) making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong a) TERRIFIED b) UPSET c) SUSPICIOUS d) SHOCKED 15) very scared a) TERRIFIED b) SHOCKED c) UPSET d) SUSPICIOUS 16) worried, unhappy or angry (because something unpleasant has happened to you) a) UPSET b) TERRIFIED c) SUSPICIOUS d) SHOCKED 17) surprised or upset because something unexpected and usually unpleasant has happened a) SUSPICIOUS b) TERRIFIED c) SHOCKED d) UPSET

Unit IC (Adjectives - przymiotniki), Oxford Solutions


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