1) Did you know that there are people who are payed to predict the future? They are called 'actuaries'. I (A1) ... of actuaries untill my friend Greg, whose mother is an actuary, told me about them. a) was never heard b) was never hearing c) had never heard d) have never heard e) will never hear 2) Actuaries usually work for companies, like ensurance companies, which deal with the chances of things happening in the future. Actuaries have to decide how probable it is that something (A2)... . a) is happened b) was happened c) will be happened d) had happened e) will happen 3) For example, it's more probable that buildings will be flooded in places where it (A3) ... a lot. a) rains b) was rained c) will be rained d) had rained e) is rained 4) Greg's mum, who has been an actuary for about five years, (A4) ... with car insuarance. She works in an office where they decide how much car insurance people should pay. a) has involved b) is involved c) will involve d) was involving e) had involved

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