1) In 2004, when Harvard University students Mark Zuckerberg, Dastin Moskovits, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes got together to launch a website designed to put students in touch with one another, they (A1) ... no idea how incredibly successful their new business would become. a) have had b) have c) have been having d) had e) will have 2) They called it thefacebook.com, and the site was an instant hit at their university. A month later, they enlarged it to include students from three more universities. By 2005, this (A2) ... to 800 universities and colleges across the United States. a) has grown b) was grown c) has been growing d) was growing e) had grown 3) That same year, in August, the site's name (A3) ... to Facebook. a) is changed b) was changed c) has changed d) changes e) had changed 4) Today the company has more than 2.8 billion active users on the site. There are tens of thousands of new registrations daily, and more than 350 million photos (A4) ... every day. a) upload b) are uploading c) uploaded d) are uploaded e) will upload

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