Who is your favorite soccer team?, Who is the best soccer player in the world right now?, What sports do you like to watch on TV?, What sport would you like to try?, Do you prefer swimming in a swimming pool or in the sea? Why?, What sports do you like to watch live?, How often do you play sports?, Are you good at playing any sports?, What’s the most expensive sport?, What sports did you play as a child?, What is the most difficult sport to do?, What is the most popular sport in your country?, What do you know about swimming?, What do you know about badminton?, Which sport does Cristiano Ronaldo play? Explain more about him, How many players are in football games? Please mention three of them., What is the simplest sport people can do?, What sports do you like?, Are you good at volleyball? Rate yourself in playing that sport from one to ten , What sport do you dislike the most?, If you have a famous athlete, which sport do you want to choose?, In your point of view, why do some people not like doing sports?, What do you think of diving? Do you plan to do it?, Between basketball and volleyball, which one do you choose? Why?, Have you ever gotten a medal in sports in the whole of your life?, What is your opinion about boxing?, What is your point of view about people who play golf?, Do you love watching Indonesia's football national team? What do you feel?, How many times have you watched sporting matches live?, Do you have a plan to do archery? Why or why not?.


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