battery - power unit, supplies a device with electricity, analysis - detailed examination of something in order to understand its nature, portable - easily carried, inventor - creator, someone who invents things, device - gadget, appliance, placebo - a substance with no chemical effects that a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug., discover - to notice, hypothesis - an assumption that is not proven yet, precision - accuracy, experiment - a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, scientist - is a person who researches to advance knowledge in an area of the natural sciences, artificial intelligence - AI, evidence - proof, obsolete - out-of-date, innovator - a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products, generate - produce or create, enable - to make something possible, adopt - to accept or start to use something new, fundamental - of central importance, basic, essential, observe - to watch carefully, to perceive,

New Insights 5 Glossary science and technology EN-EN


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