1) What is the most .... source of news, in your opinion? (rely) a) relyable b) reliable c) releeable d) relyible 2) What is the most ..... news story you've ever heard? (believe) a) unbelieveable b) unbelievable c) inbelievable d) inbelieveible 3) What's the most .... way to learn news: to read an article online, to watch a Youtube video or to read a newspaper? (enjoy) a) enjoyable b) enjoiable c) enjoyible d) enjoiible 4) Is it .... that many people believe fake news? Why? (understand) a) understandious b) understandy c) understandable d) understandible 5) How would you learn the news if suddenly the Internet became ...? (available) a) unavailable b) inavailable c) disavailable d) nonavailable 6) Do you think it is a .... thing to believe everything you read online? (sense) a) sensitive b) senseless c) nonsense d) sensible

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