India's first civilization - Indus River, Indo- Europeans first civilization - Georgia- Caucasus Mountains, Assyrian's first civilization - Upper Tigris River, Persian Empire - Caucasus (Their roots are Indo-European), Israelites - Canaan (Israel), Islam monotheistic or polytheistic? - monotheistic, Christianity monotheistic or polytheistic? - monotheistic, Judaism monotheistic or polytheistic? - monotheistic, Buddhism monotheistic or polytheistic? - None, Hinduism monotheistic or polytheistic? - polytheistic, Hittite Kingdom- known for? - first to use iron, Phoenicians- known for? - purple dye, Israelites - known for? - Exodus, Persians- - known for? - conquest, Assyrians- known for? - used terror to intimidate enemies, Indian Caste System - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Pariah, Leader of Israel - King Solomon, Leader of Persian Empire - Cyrus the Great, Leader of Aryan Civilization - Asoka, Contribution of Israelites to World Civilization? - Religion, Why is King Solomon considered to be wise? - ancient Israel was at the height of its power. King Solomon was also known for his wisdom, Why do settled communities think of the pastoral nomads as barbaric? - When the normal patterns of the pastoral nomads were disrupted by drought or over-population, however, they often attacked the civilized communities to obtain relief., Why did the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel no longer have an identity of their own? - They were scattered all over the Assyrian territories all over the Mediterranean and therefore have no contact with the People of Israel, What makes the Assyrians such good conquerors? - They were the first to use psychological warfare, Why was Cyrus the great called Cyrus the great? - he was a man who demonstrated much wisdom and compassion in the conquest and organization of his empire by respecting different civilizations and allowing them to practice their culture under his reign, What was the effect of the Aryan invasion? - It resulted to a caste system where you are judged by the color of your skin and your socio-economic and political aspects of life will now be judged according to that basis alone., Describe the family in ancient India - They were patriarchal, it is composed of 3 generations living in one roof, the children are expected to take care of their elderly, women had little to no right, middle-class sons were sent to study under a guru, sons are not allowed to marry unless they finish 12 years of adult studies,

Study Guide Questions for Table 2- WORLD HISTORY EXAM 2


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