Computers destroy your social life, Boys and girls should not go to the same classes. They distract each other., From next term, school uniforms should be mandatory., From next term, school uniforms should be mandatory., Students have too little power in school. They need to decide more., There should always be two dishes to choose from in the school cafeteria. The meal of the day and meatballs., Teachers treat boys and girls differently., 16-year-olds should be able to vote in the General Election., All cyclists must wear helmets., Cars should be banned from all towns and cities., No mopeds until you’re 18. There are too many accidents where young people are involved., English is not enough. Another foreign language should be obligatory for all students., Homework should be banned. It just increases stress for students., Money can't buy happiness., We can do very little about environmental problems., Parents should be more strict with their children., One best friend is better than many good friends., Friends must have the same interests., People complain too much., People think too much about what they look like., You can tell a lot from the way a person looks and dresses. , Every school should have P.E. (=physical education) for one hour every day., Mobiles need to be forbidden in all schools., No more free lunch. A hamburger chain will take over and you pay 20 SEK for lunch., No mopeds until you’re 18. There are too many accidents where young people are involved., Computer classrooms and internet lessons are enough. There is no need for ordinary school., People get offended too easily., All animal testing should be stopped., Violence in games and films affects people in negative way., There should be a time limit on social media, like Tik Tok, so you don't waste time..

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