1) l had heard about wilderness survival camps from some classmates who went to one last summer.They were very excited about their experience and l was very curious.So during last month's term break I decided to go to one. After everything I (A 1) ... I was really looking forward to it. a) was heard b) would be heard c) had heard d) was hearing 2) On the first day our instructor reassured us that the woodland (A2) ... us with almost everything we neded a) had been provided b) would provide c) will provide d) was provided 3) We (43) ... how to find water, how to light a fire and how to build shelter with only branches and leaves. a) showed b) were showing c) were shown d) have been shown 4) The water was easy to find, but the food was not. To my horror, l discovered that we had to find our own. This meant hunting. We (A4) ... out in groups and managed to find some berries and mushrooms. One of the boys in the group was able to light a fire and we proceeded to prepare a meal. a) were gone b) had been gone c) have gone d) went 5) However, as we (A5) ... the mushrooms,  a) were cooking b) had cooked c)  would cook d) will be cooking 6) they (A6) ... fire . l was able to save most of them , but they tested strange ! I realised by the second day in the camp that it is not easy to live without a) catched b) cought c) were caught d) had been caught 7) the things we (A7) ... accustomed to in our everyday lives. a) are grown b) are growing c) have grown d) will grow


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