1) A battery transforms: a) Chemical energy into electrical energy b) Chemical energy into kinetic energy c) Electrical energy into chemical energy d) Electrical energy into kinetic energy 2) Which of the following is an example of chemical energy being changed into kinetic energy? a) Digested food giving you energy to jump. b) A battery giving a flashlight energy to light up. c) A hand hitting a drum making music. d) Two liquids mixed together and get hot. 3) Which of these is not a source of chemical energy? a) Spaghetti b) The Sun c) Battery d) Petrol 4) What type of energy can chemical transform into? a) Heat b) Light c) Electrical d) All of the above 5) What kind of energy is represented in the picture? a) Thermal b) Chemical c) Sound d) Nuclear

Gr6 W8 Chemical Energy


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