proclaim - to announce or declare , retreat - to withdraw, embellish - to decorate; to add fanciful details, deduce - to figure something out based on what you know, disclose - to uncover or reveal, contritely - sorrowfully; being sincerely sorry, scowl - to look angry, dislodge - to remove or force out, reform - to improve; an improvement, restrain - to hold back from doing something, apprehend - seize, capture, renowned - famous; of good reputation, wanton - merciless, uncalled for and cruel, inhumane, merciless - having no compassion, imminent - happening soon, unrivaled - supreme; having no equal,

Word Scramble IEW Voc 3 Lessons 7-10


Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?