The truth is you are a ____ (andlig) being having a human ____ (erfarenhet) . The human part of the experience is ____ (temporär). Your spiritual being is not temporary. It is ____ (evig). Drag is not just a man wearing false ____ (ögonfransar) and a pussycat ____(peruk). Drag isn't just a woman with pair of glued-on ____ (polisonger) and an Elvis ____(overall). Drag is everything. I don't ____ (särskilja) drag from dressing up and dressing down. The truth of who you really are is not ____ (definierad av) your clothes. You are none of the ____ (ytlig) things that this world ____ (betrakta som) important. The real you is the energy force that created the entire universe! There I said! I've ____ (avslöja) on what your ego doesn't want to hear: you are The Source, The One. Just know that when you're ready to accept it, everything becomes easy not so serious, and oh so much more fun! Your entire ____ (idé) of style can ____(bli befriad)! Some people take their roles so seriously that they are willing to kill in the name of ____ (vara sann mot) their character. Most people don't want to ____ (vakna upp) from the illusion. That's why drag queens make a lot of people feel ____(obekväm). Drag queens are ____ (i grund och botten) making fun of the roles people are playing. And in doing so, 'drags' have become experts at parody, satire and deconstructing social ____(mönster). Again, it is a ____ (överlevnads teknik) to avoid ____ (dras ner i) the seriousness of all the drama.

You're born naked and the Rest is Drag


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