1) Tissues that have the same job work together to form? a) cells b) organs c) organ systems d) organelles 2) Organs that have the same job work together to form? a) tissues b) cells c) organ systems d) organelles 3) Which of these below includes ALL of the others? a) cells b) tissues c) organs d) organ systems 4) ALL organisms contain many cells. a) True b) False 5) Which of these choices below has them in the correct order? a) tissues, cells, organs, organ systems b) cells, tissues, organs, organ systems c) organs, cells, tissues, organ systems 6) What structure surrounds the cell and regulates materials that enter and leave the cell? a) nucleus b) cell membrane c) cell wall d) chloroplasts 7) Which organelle stores DNA and coordinates the activities of the cell? a) nucleus b) endoplasmic reticullum c) golgi complex d) lysosome 8) The heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and bladder working together are best described as a) a system b) an organism c) a tissue d) a cell 9) A characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they are made of cells. a) True b) False 10) Which of these is ONLY found in plant cells NOT animal cells? a) mitochondria  b) nucleus c) cytoplasm d) cell wall 11) The first group on the periodic table of elements is called? a) alkali metals b) alkali Earth metals c) transition metals d) noble gases 12) What part of the plant cell does a plant cell use to create glucose through photosynthsis? a) sunlight b) glucose c) oxygen O2 13) Which choice below has a hierarchy of cellular organization? a) unicellular organisms b) multicellular organisms 14) What tool can you use to look at a cell? a) telescope b) triple beam balance c) microscope 15) Which sap filled area in a plant cell can swell up with water? a) mitochondria b) cell membrane c) vacuole d) ER 16) Which of the following parts of plants are made of cells? a) Both the flowers and the stems b) The stems but not the flowers c) No parts of a plant are made of cells 17) What does a vacuole NOT do? a) act as storage organelle b) eliminate waste in an animal cell c) help to maintain water balance d) provide structural support 18) Which are the extra parts a plant cell contains? a) chloroplasts, vacuole, cytoplasm b) mitochondri, vacuole, cell wall c) cell well, mitochondria, nucleus d) nucleus, cell membrane, vacuole e) chloroplasts, vacuole, cell wall

Cells-tissues-organs-organ systems! Y7 Science Term 2


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