What's your name?, What's his name?, What's her name?, What's this phone number?, Read this email address bookshop@britannia.perm.ru, What's this?, What are these?, Where are the keys?, Where's the paper?, Where are you from?, What's your first language?, How are you today?, Where's he from? (China), Where's Shakira from? (Colombia), How old is she? (6), How old is he? (100), What's he like?, What's he like?, What's he like?, What are they like?, What color is this jacket?, What color are her pajamas?, What's he wearing?, What's he wearing?, What's she wearing?, What's Moscow like?.

Interchange Intro Warm-up questions


Ang Random cards usa ka open-ended nga template. Dili kini makamugna ug mga marka sa leaderboard.

Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?