1) What rule do you use for unresponsive or dropped chats? 2) Which tool will save you time and frustration when using chat. 3) Give an example of a phrase you might use to fill in "non-talk" time. 4) True or False - You have to edit Smart Snippets for clarity. 5) Before assisting your customer you need to send your __________. 6) True or False - Chat conversations must be accepted manually. 7) How often do you need to update your customer while you are researching and reviewing your resources for answers. 8) True or False - Chat cases do not need notes.  9) Making sure you disposition dropped calls/chats correctly will help which metric? 10) If a chat is converted to a phone call, how many cases are created in Salesforce?

TT Chat Basics


Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?