1) to see or observe (In the story people see the volcano.) What is another word for see? a) witness b) seep c) stream 2) rising gradually or evenly (In the story the ground was doing this a bit each year.) a) swelling b) stream c) destructive 3) a large rounded roof (In the story the volcano erupted and started to build a new ___________. ) a) dome b) magma c) majestic 4) a lump (Magma gathering underground creates this and might someday become a mountain.) a) bulge b) witness c) stream 5) flows steadily (In the story stinky lava ______________ to the shore.) a) streams b) gases c) catastrophe 6) to flow slowly (In the beginning gases and lava slowly come out of the volcano.) What is another word for slowly coming out of? a) seeps b) bulge c) dome 7) a disaster (Something bad happens.) a) catastrophe b) majestic c) creative 8) The substance that becomes lava. It is gooey melted rock from a volcano. a) magma b) witness c) seep 9) like air and has no definite shape a) gases b) creative c) destructive 10) has the ability to make new things a) creative b) destructive c) silly 11) causing great damage or harm (In the story it said that a volcano can case damage. It can be....) a) destructive b) majestic c) stream 12) something beautiful, great, amazing (Example: I took a picture of the ___________ mountains.) a) majestic b) magma c) destructive 13) When lava bursts out of a volcano it is called a) seep b) fall c) eruption 14) stop (It is hard to stop a volcano from happening.) What is another word for stop? a) go b) halt c) find 15) Volcanoes can be destructive and creative. a) true b) false 16) This story is informational text. What is informational text? a) it makes us laugh. b) It gives us information c) It tries to get us to do something. 17) I want you to visualize a volcano. What does that mean? a) spell volcano b) say volcano c) get a picture in your head 18) After a volcano new islands and mountains can be created or made. a) true b) false

Volcano Rising


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