1) Arkan of Salah a) Takbiratul Ihram b) Reciting random Surah after Al-Fatihah c) Ruku' d) Taking Wudu' e) Baligh f) Islam 2) Arkan Iman a) Believe in Allah SWT b) Believe in prophets c) Believe in Al-Quran only d) Believe in reciting Syahadah e) Believe in Judgement day f) Believe in Angels & Djinn 3) Actions that nullify (membatalkan) fasting a) Vomit intentionally (sengaja) b) Sleep for half the day of fasting c) Farts d) donating blood e) Insane f) He/She does not perform Tarawikh Prayer 4) Types of Zakat Al-Mal (Zakat Harta) a) Zakat Fitrah b) Zakat Emas & Perak c) Zakat Pendapatan d) Zakat Pelaburan e) Zakat Pertanian f) Zakat KWSP 5) Arkan of performing Hajj a) Niyyah of Ihram b) Wuquf at Arafah c) Tawaf d) Tahallul/Shaving e) Spend nights at Mina f) Spend night at Muzdalifah

Islamic Studies (Ibadah)


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