1) We ....... all our friends to the party on Saturday a) invityed b) invitd c) invited d) inviteed 2) He ....... badminton with his friend, Sid a) plaied b) playd c) play d) played 3) They .......the heavy chairs and were very tired a) carried b) caried c) carryd d) carryed 4) On Monday they ....... on the river and enjoyed it a lot a) sailled .... enjoyed b) sailed .... enjoyed c) sailed ----- enjoied d) saild ..... enjoyed 5) Last year we ...... the tallest wall we had ever seen. a) climbed b) climbd c) climbeed d) climbet 6) During the break the children ....... for chocolate a) shoutted b) shouted c) shoutd d) shoutid 7) Mary went on holiday on her skates and ......... all the time a) roller skate b) roller skatd c) rollerskatid d) roller skated 8) Jim ........ mum's precious vase. a) dropped b) droped c) droppet d) droppd

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