1) He works in a bank. a) Does he work in a bank? b) Do he work in a bank? c) He work in a bank? 2) We are at home. a) Is we at home? b) Are we at home? c) Do we at home? 3) Lilly is a scientist. a) Does Lilly a scientist? b) Are Lilly a scientist? c) Is Lilly a scientist? 4) __________ your parents buy you a Christmas present? a) Do b) Does c) Are 5) __________ your sister go to university? a) Do b) Is c) Does 6) __________ I late for school? a) Are b) Am c) Do 7) My brother is taller than you. a) Does my brother taller than you? b) Are my brother taller than you? c) Is my brother taller than you? 8) Your sisters go to the gym every weekend. a) Do your sisters go to the gym every weekend? b) Are your sisters going to the gym every weekend? c) Is your sisters going to the gym every weekend? 9) My best friend plays volleyball. a) Do your best friend play volleyball? b) Is your best friend play volleyball? c) Does your best friend play volleyball? 10) __________ your cousin visit you often? a) Does b) Do c) Are 11) _________ your friends still at school? a) Is b) Are c) Do 12) __________ your brother good at sports? a) Are b) Is c) Does

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