1) ...... are going to school. a) she b) he c) They 2) ...... is a good boy. a) She b) He c) It 3) ...... is running. a) They b) She c) We 4) ...... is my bag. a) He b) It c) She 5) ____ told me a secret. a) It b) He c) We 6) ____ are my friends. a) He b) They c) It 7) ____am going to the market. a) I b) He c) We 8) ____ are playing. a) She b) He c) They 9) ____ is wearing pink skirt. a) She b) You c) We 10) ____ are dancing. a) I b) She c) You 11) ____ says, "Quack, Quack" a) It b) She c) He 12) ____ are good students. a) She b) I c) We

Uses of "Subjective Case Pronoun" by esc24x7 by Vikram (Contact- 8901540861)


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