1) Mike fell and broke his arm ... the party. a) during b) off c) up d) silly 2) Jacob fell ... the ladder because he wasn't careful. a) during b) off c) up d) silly 3) Could you hang ... these balloons on the wall? a) during b) off c) up d) silly 4) I was walking and fell down. It was such a ... accident! a) during b) off c) up d) silly 5) I had a(n) ... when I fell down while I was riding my bike. a) accident b) bandage c) glue d) decorations 6) If you cut your finger, you should wrap a ... around it! a) accident b) bandage c) glue d) decorations 7) John used ... to stick the cards together. a) accident b) bandage c) glue d) decorations 8) They put up beautiful Christmas ...! a) accident b) bandage c) glue d) decorations 9) You need to ... on what the teacher is saying at school. a) concentrate b) twist c) burn d) bang 10) Kate ... her ankle when she fell. a) concentrated b) twisted c) burnt d) banged 11) I ... my hand while I was cooking. a) concentrated b) twisted c) burnt d) banged 12) Be careful not ... your head on the wall. a) concentrate b) twist c) burn d) bang

#12 - Vocabulary


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