The tornado may well hit Florida at midday., The weather forecast could be true, but it might not be., I think we should have warmer weather next month., It'll almost certainly snow tonight., The hurricane definitely won't reach land., It's unlikely that we'll have frost this week., They're sure to forecast rain tonight., The likelihood is that the weather will become more changeable., It may well be true that we need to use more renewable energies., Perhaps all our energy will come from wind power in the future., They'll almost certainly build more nuclear power stations., The likelihood is that governments will spend more on protection from extreme weather., There's no doubt among most scientists that the global climate is changing., As oil runs out, there's a good chance that car engine will use alternative fuels., I expect the rain to stop and then we should have some sunshine afterwards., We might not get any sunshine today., This winter, the temperatures are bound to be the lowest in years., We are sure to have some very hot summers in the next few decades., We are likely to have some very hot summers in the next few decades., The roads will definitely be blocked with snow tomorrow morning., There is no doubt that the roads will be blocked with snow tomorrow morning.,

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