Cyberbullying - Harassment or bullying that occurs online through electronic devices., Harassment - Repeated unwanted actions intended to annoy, threaten, or intimidate someone., Trolling - Deliberately posting provocative or offensive content to elicit emotional responses., Flaming - Sending hostile or aggressive messages in online discussions., Doxxing - Publishing private or identifying information about an individual without their consent., Catfishing - Creating a fake online identity to deceive or manipulate others., Hate Speech - Offensive language or expressions targeting someone based on their characteristics., Report - Notifying authorities or platform administrators about cyberbullying incidents., Upstander - Someone who takes action to prevent or intervene in cyberbullying situations., Bystander - A person who witnesses cyberbullying but does not take direct action., Block - Using platform features to prevent someone from contacting or interacting with you., Digital Footprints - Traces of online activities that can be found through internet searches., Cybersecurity - Measures taken to protect online systems and data from cyber threats., Grooming - Establishing an emotional connection with a minor for the purpose of online exploitation., Digital Citizenship - Practicing responsible and ethical behavior online., Hater - An individual who habitually expresses strong, often prejudiced, dislikes online., Online Predators - Individuals who exploit others, especially minors, through deceptive online practices., Deepfake - AI-generated content that convincingly mimics real people, often used for malicious purposes.,

ONLINE THREATS - Useful words


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