1) We should have had the report yesterday, but it's better late than never. a) It's good that something is happening even though it's a bit too late. b) To respond something as soon as possible c) An instruction to finish something on time. d) to miss a great opportunity e) doing too much f) making a mistake 2) The company engaged with another marketing consultant since two heads are better than one. a) very tired b) something that is frustrating c) It doesn't matter. d) be involved in something e) working together will yield better results f) start over again 3) There is no time like the present to start this venture because the government is fully supportive. a) It doesn't matter. b) to give a reward to somebody c) right now is the best time d) Everything takes time. e) extremely easy f) delaying something 4) They sold the last five tickets before I got there - just my luck! a) being late to do something b) very beautiful c) troublemaker d) to say that you're not so unfortunate e) having no money f) being old-fashioned 5) I will not judge people who like different things from me - each to their own. a) Bad things are accompanied by good. b) Everyone likes different things. c) exactly alike d) will happen soon e) doing embarrassing things f) excluding someone 6) When she saw me, she looked like someone could knock her down with a feather. a) to break a promise b) fragile c) meeting an old friend d) to not pay attention to e) a lazy person f) extremely surprised or astonished 7) They take forever and a day to get anything done. a) a very long time b) very quickly c) immediately d) a short period of time e) on time f) to finish some work 8) Anytime I need help I go to her because I know she'll help me anyway she can. She's one in a million. a) an old friend b) a colleague c) an expert d) an unreliable person e) a team member f) a very special person 9) My secretary is sometimes moody, but her bark is worse than her bite. a) an annoying person b) someone is not as bad as he/she seems c) someone who likes to disturb other people. d) a bossy person e) a lazy person f) someone who is unreliable. 10) He does not need this job as much as I do. He is born with silver spoon in his mouth. a) to be born in a wealthy family b) to eat too much food c) to have luxurious utensils d) to buy an expensive house e) to spend much money f) to earn much money 11) You may get the job, but don't count your chicken before they hatch. Wait until you get the offer letter before you throw the party. a) to miss an opportunity b) to do dangerous things c) something that is really difficult d) to not depend on something that has not happened yet e) to be unlucky f) to do something that is really bad 12) I really prepared for that exam. It should be a piece of cake. a) extremely easy b) predictable c) complex d) very difficult e) incomprehensible f) not understandable 13) Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, you won't pass this exam by studying for just one day. a) at any time or day b) a long time ago c) once in a while d) every year e) great results take time f) to happen very quickly 14) She loves my wardrobe, but I wish I had her clothes. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. a) desire to buy something b) to buy new clothes c) to exchange clothes with other people d) to always want something that we don't have e) to water the garden f) to take care of the plants 15) You're playing with fire if you go into business with Carl. He's got a really bad reputation. a) to light a cigarette b) to do something which can cause trouble later c) to be extremely jealous d) to get a burn e) feeling emotional f) to get very angry

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