1) Can yoy look after your cat? We're going _________ a) away b) out 2) If we want to get to the cinema on time, we have to ___________at 6 o'clock a) be over b) set off 3) I really can't cook. I tried to cook a salad last week, byt we had to ____________ a) throw it away b) give it up 4) I'm trying to sleep. Can you turn the music __________? a) up b) down 5) I think I drink too much coffee. I should _____________ a) give it up b) look it up 6) To get a passport you have to ___________two forms. a) write down b) fill in 7) Can you go to the supermarket? We've ____________milk and sugar. a) run out of b) put on 8) I had to _____________my mother last week because she was ill. a) look after b) look for 9) I'm really ___________________to my birthday! a) looking around b) looking forward 10) Before we decide to go to Las-Vegas, we have to ______________things to do there. a) find out b) set off 11) I don't like this book but my friend says that I should _____________reading because it gets better in the end. a) go on b) get off 12) It's freezing today! You should_____________your jacket when you go out. a) take off b) put on


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