1) Select the correct sentence in simple present a) I wash the dishes every day. b) I am doing my homework. c) I washes the dishes every day. 2) Select the sentence written in present continuous. a) I was cooking yesterday morning  b) Maria is talking with Gregory. c) Maria will be talking with Gregory. 3) What does the idiom under the weather mean? a) To be happy and content b) To be sick or unwell c) To be enjoying good health 4) What does the idiom turn a blind eye mean? a) To ignore something intentionally b) To pay close attention c) To look closely at something 5) I spoke to ____. a) my b) his c) him 6) Hour and our is a pair of ___________________________ a) Homophones b) Adjectives c) Collective nouns 7) Choose the correct collective noun.I saw a _____________________ of fish near the beach. a) Colony b) Flock c) School 8) Choose the correct collective noun. Cows, elephants, and gazelles are in groups known as ____________________ . a) Colonies b) Herds c) Flocks 9) Where are you going __ Friday? a) on b) at c) in 10) You can have ice cream ______ you finish your dinner. a) when b) but c) and

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