1) What is the name of the image on the side? a) To do list b) Birthday cake c) Confetti d) birthday hat e) Drink f) invitation card 2) What are the names of the things in the image above? a) candle b) clown c) Beverages d) gift e) to do list f) invitation card 3) What is the name of the image on the side? a) candle b) clown c) birthday d) birthday party e) noting f) confetti 4) What is the name of the person next to you? a) candle b) clown c) confetti d) birthday party e) beverage f) noting 5) We can tell what they do a) they are eating b) they were scared c) They are drinking coke d) They're adjusting the to-do list  e) they are at the party f) They are climbing the tree 6) What are the names of the things in the image above? a) clown b) candle c) present d) Birthday party e) sugar f) paper 7) What is the name of the item in the image above? a) Cake b) clown c) Candle d) Party e) İnvitation f) Confetti 8) What is the name of the dish in the image below? a) Candle b) clown c) cake d) Confetti e) Nothing f) Invitation 9) What can be said about the picture on the side? a) It's a clown b) It's a cake c) It's a candle d) it's a hat e) It's an invitation f) This is nothing 10) What is the thing in the image below? a) To do list b) Cake c) Candle d) gift e) Invitation f) Nothing


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